Our survival as a species depends on our ability to recognize that our well-being and the well-being of others are, in fact, one and the same. The problem is that we are taught behaviors that disconnect us from this natural awareness. It’s not that we have to learn how to be compassionate; we have to unlearn what we’ve been taught and get back to compassion. —Marshall Rosenberg Nonviolent CommunicationSM (NVC) is a consciousness and practice that strengthens our ability to stay in touch with our humanity and our innate compassion, even in challenging circumstances. Instead of automatically reacting to situations, we can choose conscious responses based on accurate assessments of what we observe, feel, and value. We practice expressing ourselves as clearly and honestly as possible while also paying respectful, empathic attention to what others observe, feel, and value. This result of this practice in interacting consciously is, most often, heartfelt connection, genuine respect, and willingness to work together to meet everyone’s needs. NVC has been described as:
Nonviolent Communication was developed by Marshall The global NVC community is a growing network of people sharing this powerful peacemaking process in their communities, schools, prisons, corporations, social change organizations, and health care and government institutions. Learn more about NVC here: