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The No-Fault Classroom:
Tools to Resolve Conflict & Foster Relationship Intelligence
The brilliant, ‘no-fault classroom’ concept could create a cultural tsunami, revolutionizing the comparison-based identity culture of our schools today. A must read for all educators!
Stephen R. Covey, author
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and
The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
The No-Fault Zone Classroom brings history alive as my students and I explore the universal needs that people are trying to meet .
Deb Pierotti, 3rd-4th grade teacher
Years of hard work, practice, practical insight and mastery are packed into every page. Sura and Victoria will take you by the hand, open your heart and transform your classroom. I can’t recommend this clear and passionate practice highly enough.
Michael Mendizza, Touch the Future,
founder of the Nurturing Project