The No-Fault Classroom:
Tools to Resolve Conflict & Foster Relationship Intelligence
Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson
A quantum leap for classroom management! Offering far more than discipline techniques that move aggressive behavior out of the classroom to the playground or sidewalk, The No-Fault Classroom leads students ages 7–12 to develop skills in problem solving, empathic listening and conflict resolution that will last a lifetime. 21 interactive & step-by-step lessons, construction materials and adaptable scripts give educators the tools they need to return order and co-operation to the classroom and jumpstart engaged learning. Skillfully developed Curricular Tie-ins guide teachers to use the conflict resolution tools they’ve developed to meet state learning requirements in social studies, language arts, history, reading and science.
The No-Fault Classroom
2008 PuddleDancer Press
ISBN: 1-892005-18-2 / 978-1-892005-18-2
Format: Paperback
256 pages / 8 1/2” x 11”
US $24.95 / CANADA $27.95
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Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids:
7 Keys to Turn Family Conflict Into Co-operation
Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson
A loving guidebook and resource for parents. More than a tool to correct and manage behavior, this book shows parents how to avoid discipline problems and power struggles by creating an environment based on mutual respect, emotional safety, and positive, open communication. The seven keys provide step-by-step guidSelines for how to:
• achieve mutual parent-child respect rather than submissiveness;
• set firm limits without demands or coercion;
• empower children to co-operate to meet needs for themselves and others.
Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids
2006 PuddleDancer Press
ISBN 10: 1-892005-22-0
ISBN 13: 978-1-892005-22-9
240 pages / 7 1/2” x 9 1/4”
US $15.95 / Canada $19.95
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The Compassionate Classroom:
Relationship Based Teaching and Learning
Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson
A rich resource for educators—schools, teachers, administrators, staff and home school parents. In this book, we draw upon contemporary brain and emotional intelligence research to show how essential it is for learning communities to establish a foundation of physical and emotional safety and trust. Many supportive structures and activities are provided to help teachers create this safety and trust and to develop student skills in emotional and relationship intelligence.
The Compassionate Classroom
2004 PuddleDancer Press
ISBN: 1-892005-06-9
201 pages / 7 1/2” x 9 1/4”
US $17.95 / Canada $26.95
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PuddleDancer Press
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